An aerial view photo showing a diverse group of 8 people looking up with their arms outstretched to the sky

Drama therapy utilizes theater techniques to achieve therapeutic goals.

Drama therapy is a way to embody your challenges and then step back, direct, and transform your “drama”. Groups are experiential, cathartic, and often fun and playful. You do not have to be an extrovert (shy people welcome) or an actor. I offer drama therapy groups in Oakland, CA to build community, alleviate depression, anxiety, social isolation, body image issues, unhealthy patterns, and addictions. Drama therapy, done as a group, can help us recognize how oppressive forces may be affecting us and causing more harm.

Want to see what drama therapy is like?

Watch the preview below for Grace’s film, “River of Life LGBTQ+”, where 13 diverse participants, unpack queerphobia and celebrate LQBTQ+ evolution through a drama therapy workshop.

Embrace your authentic self…

Please reach out to me for a free 20-minute consultation if you would like more information. I work with individuals, teenagers, couples, and families.